February 14, 2013

Expressions of Love: Presence vs. Presents

When you are dead you will not be able to give your presence to anyone.

Your presence is a far greater gift than a present can ever be in your relationships. While presents are great expressions of love, they can never substitute for a fully present you. It’s so easy to try to move or win somebody’s heart with a thing, especially on days like today, Valentine’s Day. However, you cannot overestimate the power of a present & underestimate the power of your presence.

Driving home from work last night my wife & I were talking about our time together. Dead serious she looked at me and said, “Babe, I think you will one day regret the time that you don’t spend with me now & the conversations that we don’t have.” Talk about red flags, sirens, flashing lights, & a spinning drop kick to the head! I immediately stopped & realized that my wife has not felt that I have been fully present with her. I determined to never allow here to feel that again.

Nothing can substitute my presence in my relationship with my wife just as nothing can substitute your presence in your relationships. Yet, so many times we allow things to try to fill the place that only our fully engaged presence can fill. Things will never take the place of you! However, just being physically present is meaningless if your heart, mind, & emotions are somewhere else.

It’s so easy to be physically present without being fully present. You know how it is right? You’re talking with someone, they are nodding their head, appear to be listening, but you can tell they are thinking about what they are going to do later or what they are having for dinner. How about when you are talking with someone & they pull out their phone, start texting, respond to you, & then keep texting? You know they are physically there, but their heart clock out as soon as their phone came out. Who wants to be in a relationship like that?

When you are on your death bed what is going to matter is not how many things you bought for your loved ones or how much stuff you did for them, it is going to be how much your presence impacted their lives. Quick advice, most texts, emails, calls, & work can wait. Wherever you are, be fully there.

You will never get your time back; once a day is gone it is gone. You have to choose to allow your heart to be fully engaged & fully invested with those who are before you. In your relationships, determine to give one of the greatest expressions of love & greatest presents that ONLY YOU can give, your presence.

Let’s Do This Together
How do you feel when someone is not fully present with you? Have you allowed presents or things to take the place of your presence? What do you have to do to train yourself to be fully present with people?

~Happy Valentines Day~


  1. PJ, your blog today reminded me of what it means to be present in people's lives, especially my family. I also realized that I need to be more present in my friends' lives. Just because I reach out to say hello doesn't always mean I'm present with them unless I'm in their presence, and they are in mine. It's a two-way commitment. It's not just putting down my phone and listening, but it's about exerting focused energy to quality time with them. Oftentimes, we have so many distractions in our lives. It's like what Pastor Sunhee Robinson shared about how your thoughts control your actions. I often catch myself thinking about things of the past and worrying about the future. God has to constantly remind me to come back to the present because I can't change it five minutes from now, 2 hours from now, tomorrow, 10 years. I NEED TO BE PRESENT TODAY because only God knows what tomorrow brings, and the past is past. There's a wonderful quote by Bil Keane: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” Thank you for that reminder!

    1. Penny, I love your thoughts. Your genuine concern for people coupled with the 'practice of presence' is so powerful. I love your statement, "It's not just putting down my phone and listening, but it's about exerting focused energy to quality time with them." That's it. You're a great friend & your presence it so encouraging to all those who come into contact with you.
