December 19, 2011

"I'm Not Weird, I'm An Extrovert"

You Know It Was Amazing

Why Was Pops Hecka Crazy?
I have always been the sociable kind of guy, even when I was little. I remember going to school like 1 hour before school started to hangout with friends on the playground. Just to get this straight right now, I was the champ at tetherball! After school it would be sports, hanging out at someone's house to watch Boy Meets World or the Waynes Bros., chillin' at the park, wrestling in the front yard or in my friend's parents room (hope they don't read this because I still don't think they know we used their dresser as the top ropes), or whatever else we could figure out.

As I got older it didn't seem to wear off, the older I grew the more I loved spending time with people, the more I loved being around crowds & the more I liked to do spontaneous things. Whether it was staying up super late to just talk, pulling group pranks on others in our college, having shaving cream wars or breaking windows & walls in the dorms by wrestling (after already being scolded for doing it 2 times before... I repent Lord...). Then, after taking those revelatory personality tests, you know the ones that say you are some weird thing like a ESFP, ESFJ, ENFP or ENFJ?? Shoot, you can't put me in four letters. Maybe 8 letters... GROWNMAN! You know what I'm saying? But for real, after taking those tests I realized that I was extrovert to the extreme!!!

Suddenly, the heavens opened & buckets of revelation poured over my amazing Mexican mind & I embraced the truth that I wasn't just some freak who didn't like too much quiet time to myself, but there were actually others out there like me. Not only that, but there were reasons why I seemed to light up when I was around others, talk to strangers I was standing next to in line who I never me in my life or sacrifice sleep to spend a little extra time with friends. I actually gained energy from being around people... WOW!!! So deep, so so deep!
I & E Having Hecka Fun Together!

As I have gotten a little older, a little wiser (and just to say, if gray hairs are any sign of wisdom then I must be getting wiser) and especially since I have married my super duper amazing wife I have realized that being introvert OR extrovert does not make one more weird than the other. I'll have to share how much God has used me & my wife to compliment one another in these areas in another blog... Just be ready cause that may be a long one, but it will definitely be amazing! lol... But really, I have learned to see my personality, especially the extroverted part, as a major gift from God!

A Few of My New, Awesome
Friends in South Korea... I Love You ALL!
I've learned that God has made me uniquely me. Of course there are areas where I need to grow, need to balance, need to develop & need to allow Him to refine me through His word & the awesome work of the Holy Spirit, but I also need to learn to embrace the personality He's given me so that I may be the gift to the world & the Body of Christ that He has destined me to be. Because of my zany extrovertedness I'll often reached out to people that maybe others wouldn't, I'll build friendships with people in different parts of the world that may otherwise never take place or I'll stay up late with people talking for hours because rather than being drained by it I'm actually getting energy from it! It's crazy, I know....
Did I Say ZANY?
Yea, I may be too loud sometimes, miss the cues & not know when it's time to go home or make people feel uncomfortable because I'm all up in their grill. But, the more I grow in God's love for people & the more I allow Him to use my personality for His glory the more my personality becomes a tool in His hands for love, relationships, friendships, connection & even trailblazing. I've learned that I don't need to try to have the personality traits of another, but I need to allow God to show me more & more of who I am in Jesus. He made me unique, zany, outgoing, silly, adventerous & spontaneous for a reason. I'm still learning, discovering & growing. But, one thing that I know for sure is that I'm not weird, I'm an extrovert...


  1. Lol @ "miss the cues.." Thank you for being you, PJ! Also, smiling comes so natural and easy for you. Thank you for making me want to smile more!

  2. Real PJ! There are times when I think I'm a little too rough around some "serious edges" but then I think of the way Peter was and how God used him mightily. God rebuked Peter, held him back from killing someone, scholded him continuously and yet God decided drop down a vision of the "message to the Gentiles." Dang, God is tight! All I have to do is see myself as He sees me.

  3. holy smokes we got lots in common
