February 22, 2013

Entrusted With Millions $$$

If you saw all money as belonging to God
how would you treat what you have?

God said in Psalm 50:9-10, “I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.” He wanted it to be clear that He needed nothing from His people. Back in the day, cattle meant wealth. God was saying His bank was full & it still is! He lacks nothing & everything that people have is simply a trust from Him.

When you begin to see all things as belonging to God, especially ‘your’ money, it should radically shift your perspective. You begin to see your dollars as a privilege to be enjoyed & a responsibility to be managed well. Often times we ask why God doesn’t bless us, but I want to ask, “Are you worthy of the blessing?”

Don’t get me wrong, God does not bless us because we are morally or spiritually worthy. We are ultimately blessed because of Jesus & given grace, an underserved favor. However, God is not a fool; He will not give to someone something that He is going to have to judge them later for wasting. In the parable of the talents, Jesus said the master gave more to those who took what they were initially given & multiplied it. The only thing that awaited the man who just buried what he was given was judgment for not putting to work what was given him.

So I ask you, “Are you worthy the blessing?” If you want God to increase His financial blessing over your life you need to ask yourself, “What would I do with what God gave me?” Actually, before you even consider that question you need to ask, “What am I doing now with what God has given me now?”

Do you realize that a person or couple that makes $30,000 a year for 34 years will have over $1 million pass through their hands? 

And, a person or couple that makes $50,000 a year for 20 years will have over $1 million dollars pass through their hands. With what you make & with a pay increase how much will you have had pass through your hands in 20, 25, 30+ years?

It is not a matter of whether or not God wants to increase your finances; it is a question of whether or not you can handle it. God is not stingy. He wants His people to be financially stable, secure, & prosperous. But, He will not give someone something that will destroy them later.

Let’s Do This Together
If you were a millionaire, would you trust someone who handles his/her money the way that you do with your finances? Are you handling your finances in a way that is worthy of increase?

Finance Fridays


  1. I love your blogs about finances. I've been reading two books the last couple of months about money and its been changing my mindset on finances...and im so thankful! I never put much thought to my finances until I got married and its been a journey for chris and I to get to the place we are at now in understanding Gods view of money and our responsiblity to steward what He's given us.
    "He will not give to someone something that He is going to have to judge them later for wasting."- I love this and I do not want to waste what God gives me!
    A couple of ways that we are learning to be faithful with our money:
    -creating a budget (and doing our best to stick to it)
    -mapping out our values and responsiblities
    -using the envelope system
    -doing small sacrafices NOW (like getting a 2nd job) that aligns with the vision that we have for our life.

    This has NOT been an easy road and we still make mistakes along the way but I'm thankful to God to show this to us NOW so that we can be responsible sons.

    come on. #killdebt2013 #stewardship


    1. Lauren that is so awesome & encouraging to hear the journey that you & your hubby are on. I love the practical steps you have:
      1. budget
      2. values & responsibilities
      3. envelope system
      4. small sacrifices with big results

      We're on it with ya. God wants to multiply what He entrusts to us & we will be mature, responsible, & fruitful with it! Get it!!!
