February 26, 2013

From Vision To Reality

Have you ever had a great vision for your job, family, ministry or relationships, but were never able see it come to pass? When this happens many tend to blame the vision. It is not the vision to blame, it is the visionary. As a leader you must understand that vision alone is never enough.

A vision without execution will always 
remain only a vision.

Some are settled with just having vision. Matter of fact, studies show that sharing great vision with many others can actually give you the psychological satisfaction as if the vision was actually complete without the vision actually manifesting. Talk about empty satisfaction.  If you are like me you want to actually make your days, hours, & minutes count. You don’t want to just dream, you want to see your dreams a reality; this is where execution comes in.

Here are 3 simple keys to help you begin to make your vision, goals, & dreams a reality. Your vision must be:

Specific – Start with a general vision & then hone it. Most people don’t accomplish their vision because it is so broad. Break it down piece by piece, step by step, day by day, & task by task. Don’t just write that your vision is to see change in your life. Write down the specific areas of change you want to see, why you want to see it, & the exact steps that you are going to make to begin to see it. If you are not specific with your execution you will not see specific results.

Measurable – You have to be able to measure your results. As you begin pursuing your vision, what are the specific things that you are looking for in order to see whether you are moving forward or not? If your vision is to have $6,000 in savings at the end of the year then what are your monthly markers? As you begin executing the specific steps to make your vision a reality you must be able measure progress or regress.

Celebratory – On the journey towards fulfilling your vision you must celebrate the small victories. Celebrating the small victories will only be possible if you are specific with your steps toward the overall vision & if you can measure your progress. No one wants to feel like they are rigorously working at something without seeing any results. Celebrating the small things keeps your morale high & your momentum strong; it is the small victories that build towards the ultimate celebration of the vision becoming a reality.

Pursuing vision does not need to be hard. When vision is pursued the right way it is one of the most satisfying & fruitful things to experience as a leader. Begin your pursuit by executing with specificity, measurability, & celebration.

Let’s Do It Together
In what areas of your life does your vision need to become more specific?  What area do you need to strengthen in the execution of your vision: specificity, measurability, or celebration?

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