September 14, 2013

Dream Big, Start Small

Isn’t it crazy how sometimes rather than inspire us our dreams could overwhelm us, even cause us to feel crushed? We have all shared some great things we would like to accomplish, but when asked why you are not pursuing them you say, “I could never REALLY do it,” “I’m not at that level yet,” “I’m not experienced or gifted enough,” or “One day.” Too often we never pursue our dreams because we seems too big or impossible.

Last year I felt exactly the same way about getting out of debt. Before my wife and I got married we racked up a good amount of debt and for the first couple years of our marriage we just swept it under the rug. It was a great “dream” to get out of debt, but it seemed so insurmountable. On our salary it would take us years to vanquish our consumer debt. It was easier to think, “One day we’ll get out of debt. Someone will write us a big check or we’ll both land these high paying jobs.” Right.

How do you build a wall? One brick at a time...
At the beginning of the year we came to our senses and determined to do something about it. I realized that I need to dream big and start small. So we laid out our dream concerning our finances and begin to start small. I picked up a second job and we started making small decisions to change how we spent, why we spent, and when we spent. Has it been difficult? Of course. But, there is no great thing that can be accomplish without passing through difficulty. If you’re looking for easy then you have already forfeited your dreams.

As of this time right now we have paid off 10 credit cards/debts and 2 debts have been cancelled! We are on track to be fully out of consumer debt by the end of the year and poised to tackle our student loans. However, if you were to ask me if this were possible at the beginning of the year I would have said, “No way, it seems too big.”
Make your dreams a reality. Don't be crushed by your dreams, pursue them. 

Every step you take towards your dream add up to a destination. A dream is only a fantasy until you make it a goal. And a goal is only a good idea until you make it a lifestyle. What is it that you have been dreaming about doing or pursuing? What is the job? What do you want your marriage to look like? Where do you want to be financially in 5 years? Dream big, start small. Start today. 


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