October 12, 2013

Baby Steps: From Knowing To Growing

Isn't it frustrating to know you need to do something, but just not seem to be able to wrap your life around it?

It is one thing to know something, it is another to actually begin to apply it to your life. If you're like me you know how to get in shape, save money, and eat better. You could probably write a couple ebooks on the subjects. But, if your life was examined would it show what you know?

Knowing is only half the battle right? The other is doing. It is one of the most frustrating
things in the world to know how to do something, but not seem to wrap your life around it yet. At least if you are ignorant of something you could say, "I didn't know how..." Even though it is an excuse it at least makes you feel better for the moment. 

However, the reason you can't settle with the excuse of not knowing is because you have too many opportunity to know, and you know it! With all the new technology and connection we have at our disposal there is no reason for us to not discover the "how to." But, and this is a big but, technology can't make you 'do.'

In most cases where you are experiencing frustration I would bet that there is not an information deficit, but a action deficit. Matter of fact, many of us are experiencing an information overload. We know what to do, but the frustration comes because our actions don't seem to follow suit with what we know.

So how do we go from knowing to doing? Start with going from knowing to growing first. 

When you have the perspective of growth it is easier to begin to implement things into your life a little at a time. "Doing" sounds so definite. And while there are some things we need to just 'do' in our lives, it's hard for us to make that mental leap. But, if you start with the mentality, "I'm going to begin to grow in this area, baby steps, baby bites, little by little," movement happens. 

It's a whole lot easier to take a step than a leap. Don't get me wrong, I love making leaps. But, sometimes it is the baby steps that actually accumulate to far greater lengths than any leap could ever have taken you. 

Where in your life do you need to go from knowing to growing? Take a step today.

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