Have you ever been tempted to
not set any goals to shoot for because of the discouragement that came from
past failures? Yesterday, I was speaking with my barber & she shared with
me how this year her resolution was to have no resolutions because she was tired
of making resolutions & then being discouraged when she quickly broke them.
While I could easily relate, my heart saddened at the power of her
it can attack us swiftly or slowly. Discouragement comes to
rob you of your joy, your strength, & your will to fight. The word literally
means: to remove courage, to strip away boldness, to take away the spirit or
heart, or to deprive of hope.
Discouragement can be a powerful thing, but it is
not unstoppable. It is like a drug that suppresses passion & depresses our
hopes. When we slip we need to learn to kick discouragement & get right
back on track.
In one of my favorite movies, “We
Are Marshall,” there is a scene where the new head coach for Marshall
University is trying to persuade the sole surviving facility from the coaching
staff to come back & help him keep the football program going after a
tragic plane crash earlier that year that killed around 100 players, coaches,
& fans. The coach was so discouraged & felt so hopeless because of the plan
crash that he wanted to quit, shut down the program, & live a different
life. While they were talking the head coach saw a train coming in the distance
& asked, “Isn’t that the train that slipped off the track a couple years
ago?” “Yes,” the other coach replied. “It’s back on track,” the head coach said
as he walked away.

Just because your train may
have slipped off track does not mean you have to let it stay off track. If you
get knocked off track get back on. It really is as simple as that. Yes, you may
have to push through discouragement, hopelessness, or feelings of failure, but when
God is with you you have all you need to push forward.
Remember what He said to
Joshua before he was stepped into a place he had never been? “Be strong &
courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be dismayed. For I am the Lord your God
& will be with you everywhere you go,” (Joshua 1:8-9). Our greatest
confidence & weapon against discouragement is the promise of God’s
presence. Go today in the confidence that as you stay on track or get back on
track the Lord is with you.
Let’s Do This Together
In what areas of your life is it easy to get discouraged
when you get knocked off track? How can you look to God’s presence for a
greater sense of courage?
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