September 26, 2013

A Blessing In Disguise

Have you ever just wanted to quit, throw in the towel, and run? I totally understand. Working two jobs has not always been fun. Honestly, it has been down right hard. There have been times I have wanted to quit, cry, not go in, and throw in the towel. But, through the grind of it all greater vision for my life, marriage, finances, relationships, education, and future has begun to spring up inside of me. At one of the places that I have experienced the greatest frustration and toil I am now reaping some of the greatest fruit.
No one likes frustration, but it can cause you to dig for clarity. No one enjoys exhaustion, but it can cause you to work smarter. No one delights in financial struggle, but it can cause you to gain vision to change your family tree, to leave a legacy for your future generations. The place of your greatest pain, struggle, and oppression could be the place of your greatest healing, strength, vision, and success.
The Israelites were in slavery in the land of Goshen, in Egypt, for over 400 years. It was the
most oppressive time of their history. When they first came to Goshen their family line numbered about 70 people. However, when it was time for God to deliver them through Moses they numbered in the millions! It was in the place of their oppression that they saw the miraculous work of God, the provision of God through the 7 year famine, the protection of God through the 10 plagues, the favor of God as he turned the hearts of the Egyptians to give them goods, and the multiplication of God when they went from 70 to millions!
The struggling season is never fun. Naturally, it's not enjoyable when you have great vision for your future but you feel restricted. Or, when your heart is bursting with ideas but you have no resources to carry them out. But, how you respond during those seasons will determine your outcome. You could either wade in a pool of discouragement and frustration or you could use it as a time to multiply. Your current struggle may be your greatest future asset!
What you don't realize is that you are in the midst of a blessing in disguise. You may be in a job you don't like now, but how are you meant to grow from it? How is it meant to reveal God's miraculous work, provision, protection, favor, vision or multiplication? Stop looking at what is horrible about it and start looking at the greatness it can produce in you.

Your success is not contingent upon the greatness of your position, it's contingent upon the greatness of your disposition. Where you are now positionally is not as important as where you are dispositionally  always. Determine today that you will thrive no matter what and no matter where!


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