September 25, 2013

Your Perspective Is The Game Changer

Your perspective is the game changer. You have to determine that no matter what type of situations come your way they are going to work out for your good. Someone who does this maximizes struggle, minimizes blame, and sees every situation as an opportunity to grow. It's simple.

Until you stop giving things and people control over your perspective you will feel as if you are enslaved to them. But, a free woman in heart and mind is always free. When you step back and look at your work situation what do you see? Do you see your boss as a task master, your coworkers as people out to get you, and your position as something you dread doing? Or, do you see a boss who you can glean from, coworkers you can support and learn from, and a position that is a step towards something greater?

A young man was walking along a road from one small village to another and he asked an elderly gentleman sitting under a tree, "What type of people are in this village I'm approaching?" The elderly man responded, "What type of people where in the last village you left?" The young man shot back, "They were all thieves, crooks, and swindlers." "You'll find the same in this village too," replied the old man. 

What YOU see is what YOU get. You will always find what you are looking for. The questions are, "What are you looking for? And what is the lens through which you're looking?" I talk to people all the time who complain about their job, boss, work hours, coworkers, and future with their company and there is one thing they have in common, their perspective is destructive.

Don't get me wrong, working two jobs is not easy. There are times I sit in my car after a 13 - 15 hour day and ask, "Why the heck am I doing this?" Then I remind myself that some people don't have work. Some people are beating the pavement and being shut down time after time. Some people are struggling to feed their families. Yet, I have the opportunity to work two jobs, both in which I am growing, learning, and moving towards the fulfillment of my destiny. 

You will always find what you are looking for. What are you looking for in your situations, on your job, and in your relationships? Refuse to allow your perspective to be destructive, learn to see each situation as an opportunity for your good and growth.

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