Change begins with you.
Have you ever talked with somebody and shared issues that you were experiencing on your job, in your relationships, with your family etc.? I mean, every time you get a new job there are 'those' issues. Every time you make new friends there are 'those' issues. At every family event there are 'those' issues. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, people are not trying to sabotage you, you got issues.
You see the thing about 'those' issues is that no matter where you go 'those' issues will be there. It is so easy to point the finger and blame people for how they 'make' you feel or what they 'make' you do. But let me free you up right now, no one can make you feel anything, no one can make you do anything, and no one can make you react in a particular way. You, and you alone, have control over you. The minute you forfeit your control you are giving people power over you that they were never meant to have.

Before I set out on the journey to get out of debt this year with my wife I constantly blamed my circumstances and situations for why we were in debt. "I didn't grow up knowing how to handle money... If someone would have taught me... If I just made more... If people would stop asking me to help them out..." These were all excuses, copouts. The minute I began to realize that change began with me was the minute I stepped into my authority as a son of God, a husband, a man, and a human being in a way I never have before.
It was my thinking that kept me back, not people. It was a pity party mentality that kept me bound, not the lack of opportunity. It was my sense of smallness in my own eyes that kept me from pursuing greater things, not the absence of possibility.
Stop looking for people and situations to blame and begin to realize that you are fully adequate, capable, and authorized to pave a new path for your present and your future. If you don't take hold of your life situations and other people will, but it is only because you allowed them to have the reigns. If you want to see things change then do something about it. The change begins with you.
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